MEX Blog Article

Austral Bricks Cancer Fundraising Dinner

Austral Bricks Cancer Fundraising Dinner

The Austral Brick Company was founded in 1908 by a group of investors and builders. The company established itself as a major player in the brick industry by the outbreak of World War I in 1914. They have now transformed themselves from a state-based operation to a national organisation with manufacturing operations all over Australia.

Austral Bricks have been using MEX for quite some time now, and have recently jumped on-board our Online Data Hosting service. When we received a flyer from them asking if we would like to donate to their annual Children’s Cancer Institute Fundraising Event we were excited to get involved in a charity once again.

Every year 625 Australian children are diagnosed with cancer, therefore the Children’s Cancer Institute dedicate their time to looking into the causes, prevention and better treatments for childhood cancer with the ultimate goal of finding a cure.