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Data Hosting Checklist

Data Hosting Checklist

When looking at Data Hosting options there are a few things you need to consider to ensure that the option you have chosen is safe, accessible and lives up to your expectations.

Here are a few tips to help with your decision.

Security Measures and Back-Up Protocols

Data loss is a pain we’ve all endured, that heart sinking moment when your computer crashes or your files become corrupted and within an instant your hard work disappears before your eyes and your left kicking yourself for not backing up your data. Simple frequent backups make life so much easier. So the first thing to note when choosing a data hosting provider is their server / data backup protocols.

Ask for a list of security measures that will be put in place and also for the server/data back-up protocols. How often is data scheduled to be backed up? What are the different Back-Up packages on offer? When it is backed up, ask where the data is stored. This will give you piece of mind to know your data is safe.

Location Location Location

Location, location, location the golden rule when buying property and an important consideration when choosing a data hosting provider. Not so much for your provider’s proximity to public transport and take away joints but for your connection speeds. So when looking to host your data make sure that the hosting provider has the ability to host your data in close proximity to where you operate.

The physical location can play a big part in how well you can access your data. Hosting your data too far away will have an adverse effect on the speed at which you will be able to use your system.
If your data is hosted abroad, it may fall under the laws of the country in which it resides, meaning you may have little control over who can access and view your data. Having your data located in an area you are familiar with, most likely the same country in which you operate will ensure that it is housed appropriately and that you have full control over who has access to it.

The MEX Hosting Service has the option of hosting your data at one of two locations in Australia. If you are overseas, we also have a range of countries where we can host your data.

Secured HTTP or HTTPS

The best way to secure the data that you do use for MEX is to ensure that the service you are using utilising the HTTPS protocol.

HTTPS encrypts the information that you enter and send through the application and ensures that your communication is secure. Keeping your data safe from any party trying to eavesdrop, tamper or steal the contents of your communication.

As an example, all systems hosted with the MEX Data Hosting service come with HTTPS included so you can rest assured that your information is safe and secure.

Consider Uptime guarantee

If you’re not privy with the term Uptime, it basically means how long the system is up and running without interruption. The moment there is a problem, most systems log the time that it is out of service for and this data is used to calculate the uptime. It’s a great measure of the reliability of the service so keep in mind that if you’re being promised 100%, its most likely a scam and you’re bound to run into trouble. Always factor in important system and infrastructure updates and so anything above 99% is what you should be looking seriously at. The MEX Hosting service currently boasts an Uptime in excess of 99%.

Installation Process

Implementation is everything. Any delay or roadblocks in transferring your current system to the cloud can have an adverse effect on your operation. Ask about the full set up procedure and if there are any other steps involved in setting up the system. It’s also important to get an understanding of the timeframe so you can prepare yourself for the move.

A redundancy plan should be discussed at this stage so you have a fall back plan if anything does go wrong.

Tech Support

Whenever you run into a problem the first people you talk to are the tech support team. If you’re already a MEX customer you would have already have had dealings with the support team. Ask whether or not the Cloud solution has a dedicated resource and be sure to note down their contact details. Could be a godsend when you really need a hand.

Try before you buy

Just as you would when you go to buy a car, take the hosting system for a test run. No amount of usage statistics or guarantees can convince you better than experiencing the system for yourself. Ask for a trial and see how it works for you.

Run the trial alongside your current setup and see how it stacks up. Testing will also give you an indication about the data usage of the system. Helping you identify a worthwhile upgrade to your ISP limits, should you need to.

Satisfaction Ratings

There’s no better way to find out how good a service is than to have a look at the perspective of someone who already uses the hosting service.

Here are a few links to show the experience of customers already on the MEX Data Hosting service:

At the end of the day the decision to host on the cloud with MEX is a big decision and is one that should not be taken lightly.

Consider all the points mentioned above and when in doubt, you can always contact the MEX team for help.

More Data Hosting Information

Data Hosting