MEX Blog Article

New MEX Version 15 Released October 2020

New MEX Version 15 Released October 2020


Here at MEX we have been working hard on releasing the latest build of MEX 15 and have some really exciting new enhancements to announce.

We are happy to announce that a brand-new universal windows platform app is available for use with your MEX system. Simply connect the app to your server, sync your data and take advantage of a whole host of new features. Our new UWP app is so easy to use as it carries on the same look and feel of MEX 15. An Android and iOS version are also in their final stages of development.

In order to use the new UWP app, please ensure your system is updated to the latest version released on the 28th of October, 2020. You can also use God Mode to further secure your system.

There have also been a number of bug fixes that have gone into this release.


Reports are an integral part of any maintenance system. In this release we have:

  • Made improvements to the Work Order report
  • Ensured that the Asset Barcode report works with all barcode formats – Avery L7158 included
  • Currency is converted correctly on the invoice match report and
  • Fuel graphs display correctly


The Inventory management module of MEX has also seen improvements in the Handling of Foreign Currency totals when working with approval limits and we have reinforced the mandatory security rules in the Invoice Match listing.

Electronic Forms

Electronic Forms give you the option to capture even more valuable information. Whether it’s a Permit or a Work Hazard checklist. We have ironed out any kinks in our forms and have ensured that checkboxes added to forms work the way they should and when you lock a form, it stays locked.

Custom fields

The beauty of MEX is the ability to easily customise the system to suit your needs. From creating your own reports to adding extra fields on details forms. Working with custom fields we have ensured that Custom Fields on Contact Details now pull and store the correct details against the selected Contact.


For those companies who use a lot of contractors to carry out maintenance tasks, with a focus on Purchase Orders and Invoicing, the MEX Contractor Portal allows for better management of their contractor work.

We have ensured that in line with our approval paths functionality, defined Approval Paths now come through to Purchase Orders created from Contractor Work Orders.

For a detailed breakdown of these fixes please refer to the release notes found on the MEX User Portal or in the MEX User Guide.

If you have automatic updates checked then the upgrading process will be just as you guessed it – automatic! Otherwise you will have to contact MEX Support for details on performing the manual upgrade.

If you have any questions, or any issues please get in contact with our support department at or call +61 7 3392 4777 and they will be more than happy to help you out.

Product News MEX V15