MEX Blog Article

Apple Device Management Tools

Apple Device Management Tools

To help users spend less time worrying about their iPads and iPhones, and more time actually working on them. Apple has come up with a set of iOS 8 management tools that help with bulk device deployment, security and management.

These tools help IT administrators in particular, giving them the means to easily manage, deploy and keep track of employee iOS devices.

Here are some of its features:

  • No need for third party containers
  • Managed data flow. All things managed from apps to accounts.
  • Security that’s built in, not bolted on
  • Fast, simple deployment at any scale. Whether it is to the employees own devices or to corporate-owned devices.
  • Buy and distribute apps in volume

So for those of you using MEX across a range of iOS devices, it could be worth getting your IT administrators to use the new iOS management tools to make life easier for both parties.

For more information check out the iOS Management tool information here