MEX Blog Article

Cutting Maintenance Costs With MEX

Cutting Maintenance Costs With MEX

From facilities to manufacturing and everything in between, companies are looking to more effective and productive ways to utilise their equipment and facilities, and keep it running in peak condition. MEX Maintenance Software is one of the major tools enabling this visibility and control, and can form the core of maintenance operations for a wide range of industries.

By providing an accessible and easy to understand maintenance management platform, operators can now breakdown ongoing patterns in machinery wear, usage, and access granular data to know when machines will breakdown, and organise their operational schedule ahead of time to take the equipment out for repair at the optimal time, eliminating unscheduled downtimes and unexpected hits to the bottom line.

With this capacity for forward planning, implementing MEX also leads to a range of added benefits, such as reduced costs and more flexibility in supply chains, as it allows for more predictive operations and in turn the ability to follow this predictive capability down the line.

This leads directly to cost savings on purchases as stock levels can not only be maintained, but more forward-thinking purchasing can be carried out, eliminating unscheduled downtimes which are further compounded by having to wait for critical parts.
All supported by the total portability and accessibility of MEX through hand-held devices.

From requests, entire days’ worth of work orders and history, to the ability to plan and schedule maintenance, MEX Maintenance Software is giving businesses the ability to gain an edge in a competitive environment.

For a more in depth look at cutting costs, have a look at the MEX Whitepaper