MEX Blog Article

Daylight Savings Ending April 2021

Daylight Savings Ending April 2021

Just a quick reminder that as of 4th April 2021, Daylight Savings will end for all Australian States and also across New Zealand. All locations will operate on the following times:


  • All above states now in line with Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

South Australia

  • South Australia will now be 30 minutes behind

Northern Territory

  • Northern Territory will remain 30 minutes behind

Western Australia

  • Western Australia will remain 2 hours behind

New Zealand

  •  New Zealand will now be 2 hours ahead

The MEX office is located in Brisbane, Queensland and time still remains in line with Australian Eastern Standard Time. Please keep in mind these operating times when contacting MEX.

If you have any questions please Contact Us or call +61 7 3392 4777

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