MEX Blog Article

How MEX Handles Preventative Maintenance

How MEX Handles Preventative Maintenance

Some of you may question why MEX is setup the way it is in relation to how PMs are created.

In the following video I’ll explain how the MEX Maintenance Software handles Preventative Maintenance (PM) and its scheduling using the MEX Activator.

In Summary, MEX uses the Preventative Maintenance Types of Hierarchy, Fixed and Trigged, to help it determine when you’re PMs are due to be created.

The Hierarchy PM type works with multiple Preventative Maintenance Schedules for the same Asset. It then works out which PM is due, by taking into consideration the last PM scheduled and that PM’s position in the hierarchy.

The Fixed PM type allows for the last done dates on your schedule to be adjusted according to work completion times, or whether scheduled work is set to be performed at the same time, each time regardless of when you last worked on the asset.

Then we have the Triggered PM type which only creates a work order from the schedule if the set reading on the asset is surpassed.

A full explanation of each type can be found on my previous article on Preventative Maintenance Types in MEX.

To make system administration easy, MEX allows a user to create definitive groups for each set of equipment called asset types, which then can be used on PMs to assign assets to the schedule. This makes it easy to create a schedule for a large number of similar equipment.

Instead of individually creating a PM for each one, MEX can allow you to create the one PM schedule and assign an asset type to it. New assets added to the systems under these groups are automatically added to the PM and a change made to the schedule is instantly replicated amongst all the assets using it.

So whether it’s a fleet of trucks or a heap of pumps, add in a few PMs and MEX will do the rest for you.

Steve Ninnes
MEX Managing Director