MEX Blog Article

How ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions use MEX

How ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions use MEX

ThyssenKrupp is a worldwide technology enterprise. We, the Global Service Team, are part of the Process and Resource Technologies group in the Business Area “Industrial Solutions”. Our mission is the implementation of Integrated Asset Management contracts (“total Maintenance”) at Customer Sites and the Support of our local Business Units regarding Service topics.

ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is using MEX at every O&M (Operation & Maintenance) Contract where the Customer has no CMMS or his own is not as well developed as we need to support our contract.

As a Company that is selling IAM (Integrated Asset Management) we have to have a tool that can handle our requirements, MEX is such a System.

“MEX will help improve your Maintenance. You are able to plan your proactive maintenance philosophy as well as your Break-In corrective work. MEX connects your Work Areas such as Planning & Scheduling, Human Resources, Warehouse and Reporting.”

Have a look at the ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions Case Study for more information

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