MEX Blog Article

Improving Equipment Reliability with MEX

Improving Equipment Reliability with MEX

When Wattyl purchased individual MEX licences for all three Manufacturing sites in 2004, the greatest challenge to Wattyl was to keep our customer promises through DIFOT. Equipment reliability (uptime) is important for attaining/achieving customer satisfaction and market share.

Our MEX licences have been consolidated into a single database that now runs from a central location, where we can analyze the results of the maintenance history and review assets and compare their failure codes to find out any commonality between failure types of similar equipments.

Our maintenance departments on each site now use MEX on a day to day basis in organizing, scheduling and completing scheduled and planned work as well as adhoc repair work.

MEX has improved our asset management processes, as we are constantly identifying opportunities for continuous improvement and striving for best practices while ensuring cost containment without jeopardizing safety to plant and staff.

Implementing MEX has enabled us to, capture our asset details, catalogue asset associated spares, introduce preventative maintenance programs on critical equipments and also enabled us to track asset reliability and integrity for statutory and mandatory legislative compliance reporting.

The use of MEX over the next 2 years will assist Wattyl to develop a strong maintenance focus. We currently have 12 users on our 5 concurrent user license regionalized database and 20 concurrent user licenses on the MEX Ops application.

MEX will be a useful tool for delivering asset reliability and cost effective maintenance to the company. While providing visibility and accountability to the decision making and subsequent actions in maintaining all of our assets across Australia.

To find out more about MEX system please contact Tunde Fasheun - The Wattyl Group


Exciting News! MEX Maintenance Experts has been acquired by TMA Systems, expanding our global reach and capabilities. Read the full press release here.