MEX Blog Article

MEX Consulting around the World

MEX Consulting around the World

MEX Maintenance Software is used worldwide, with customers in practically every country and in every industry. Our trainers travel extensively to all corners of the world to assist our customers with the successful implementation and management of their MEX systems.

In order to understand the diverse number of companies MEX serves, you just have to look at our consultants travels in the last 18 months or so. This also illustrates the diverse range of places and industries that MEX has a foot hold in.

From California to Mexico in the American continents. Philippines, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Iraq in Asia. Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and New Zealand in the Pacific. All the way to Germany, Morocco, South Africa and of course throughout Australia. Here’s a map with some of the locations our consultants have been in the last 18 months:

 MEX Consulting around the world
Customers and Industries we have visited and worked with.

Our consultants readily provide a range of services from private training, one on one consultations and help with all stages of an implementation right down to recommendations of best maintenance management practices going forward.

If you have any questions about our Consulting and Training services, feel free to contact our training team at