MEX Blog Article

MEX Hosting VS In House Hosting

MEX Hosting VS In House Hosting

A Comparison of MEX Hosting and In House Hosting of the MEX/FleetMEX System


In House Hosting

MEX Hosting

1 to 10 Users

More than 10 users


Depends on state of designated computer/server.

Depends on State of Server and Condition it is in.

Guaranteed 99% Uptime


Setup of the hosted computer will dictate this. In order to access your system from outside of your network, the designated server/computer will need to be setup for external access. The dedicated computer will need to be available to users at all times, i.e. not switched off.

The setup of the Network will dictate this. Most networks will require VPN access set up in order to access your systems and applications.

Anywhere, Any time

Complexity Of Setup

Setting up MEX on any workstation or server is a straightforward process. This can be made complicated if the user attempting to set up the system does not have the necessary permissions to carry out the installation.

The Server setup alone can be complex and will require qualified IT Personnel to carry out the initial setup. Once this is complete, MEX will need to be setup. This should be straightforward. Any access, firewall or permissions issues will need to be ironed out before the system can be efficiently utilised.

Sign up to MEX Hosting and you receive a web address to your hosted MEX System for all your users to access the system.

Time to Setup

Simple set up should not take long to set up.

Simple set up should not take long to set up.


Server Requirements

MEX can run on any computer with a minimum requirement of 1 GB RAM, in access of 300MB Free Space, And Windows 7 OS and above. You can run on a standard workstation meeting the above requirements or if you have the resources on a dedicated server.

A standard server starts at $2000 and upwards. Depending on your needs additional hardware like storage space will also need to be purchased. These costs do not include any required software. Man hours spent setting it up would amount to more costs. Also factor into your forecasts costs that on average a standard server will need to be replaced every 5 years or so.

Nothing, all you pay is your hosting fees.

Server Software Licensing

If the choice of hosting is a Server an operating system will also need to be sourced, this could amount to ~$2000 Free SQL Server Express can be used and this has a limit of 5 concurrent users.

A server operating system will need to be purchased on top of the Server itself. SQL Server will also be required to store your database. This will cost ~$5000 upwards.

No costs involved.

Sysadmin skills required





If using a workstation no assigned space is required, but if you do choose to use a dedicated server, a permanent space will be required.

Need to assign a permanent space in the office for the Server and ensure that the room is kept at the right temperature.

Takes up no physical space


Need the Software and Hardware to perform the backups, times need to be scheduled and dedicated staff need to monitor the Backups.

Need the Software and Hardware to perform the backups, times need to be scheduled and dedicated staff need to monitor the Backups

Backups configured and scheduled daily as part of the package.

MEX Upgrades

Server admins will require appropriate permissions to carry out major upgrades. In a server environment certain upgrades may need to go through approval processes, and this is time consuming.

Server admins with appropriate permissions have to be contacted to carry out major upgrades. Certain upgrades may need to go through approval processes, and this is time consuming.

Upgrades performed on request as soon as possible


Solely dictated by your infrastructure and Network limits.

Solely dictated by your infrastructure and Network limits.

Ultimately the performance of MEX will be dictated by your Internet connection.

Download Comparison Table

For more information check out the MEX Data Hosting Service information page.