MEX Blog Article

MEX Version Build 9 Released

MEX Version Build 9 Released

A number of bug fixes and enhancements have been applied to the MEX V build 9 minor release released on the 24th of February 2014.

There has been three new enhancements in is this release. The Asset Tree has been optimised to improve performance and functionality. All Asset and Catalogue Ellipses fields now have predictive text and filtered dropdowns. Grids can now be navigated using the up and down arrow keys. Memory optimisations have been made when navigating the Asset Register as well as improvements in the Contractor Work Orders and the Contractor Portal.

The main Bug Fixes for this release include:


  • Exporting grids will no longer export the ID field for certain columns.
  • Filtering grids will no longer show the ID in the filter menu for certain columns.
  • Sorting grids will no longer sort on the ID field for certain columns.
  • When a dropdown overlaps a button, selecting an item from the dropdown will no longer also click the button.


  • The Asset Selector Listing can now be searched on Registration Number.
  • Customers without a Company Name will now display correctly on Assets in the Asset Register.

Work Orders

  • Trade name will no longer be blank after setting child contacts to inactive.
  • Creating a Work Order through MEX Today will now create a standard Work Order.
  • The Finished Date/Time will no longer be cleared when changing Work Order Status.
  • Trades will now only appear once in the Trade Name dropdown when assigned to multiple Trade Codes.


  • The row height in the Catalogue Listing will now always adjust row heights based on images unless a row height has been specified manually.
  • The “Issued To/Returned From” field in Catalogue Transactions will now show the full name.
  • Cancelled Purchase Order Lines that have been receipted will now show in the Invoice Match Listing.
  • Transferring items between stores will no longer attempt to create a new item when one already exists in the store.
  • Processing a replenish stock will now work correctly when an inactive supplier is set as the preferred supplier.
  • Non-Catalogued items will no longer appear in the Catalogue Listing when searching.
  • You can no longer delete a Catalogue Item with an APL.


  • Having mandatory fields in details screens will no longer cause validation logic run when opening the form.
  • Mandatory fields that do not allow zero values will now work correctly for listings.
  • Setting security on the Control Files selection menu will apply correctly.

Please refer to the Client Release Notes in the MEX User Portal for a full list of Bug Fixes and Enhancements.

If you have any questions please contact MEX Support on or call us on +61 7 3392 4777

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