MEX Blog Article

November eNews Directors Note 2014

November eNews Directors Note 2014

Many customers have wanted extra fields in their listings or on a certain tab of MEX. 

Two examples of these are:

  • One customer wants an additional column in the Asset Using tab on the PM showing the actual completed date of the last Work Order. 
  • Another wants to have a comment field added to the work order tasks field, and also have this be in the work order history.

Well, in the next release of MEX you can add in fields throughout MEX.

Custom fields, is what we call it, and every module of MEX has the ability to ad in an extra field on a listing, on the details and even in some look up forms.

And the sort of things that can be added include:

  • The simple things like text boxes etc.
  • A drop down linked to a table in MEX.
  • A look up lists with your own entered value
  • A signature, image, hyperlink or document field
  • The ability to have an action performed by the value entered in a field
  • And lots of other things.

So, to cover off about 50 requests we have hopefully covered this by allowing you to add in what you want where you want and anytime you want.

And these fields are automatically regionalised, part of security and are available on the iPad/iPhone. So what you add is already regionalised, can be secured in any way you want and will show up by default on the iPad and iPhone.

And yet there is more. Some requests also have wanted us to ad in extra modules to MEX.  For example, a training register for staff or a Leasing module for properties.  This can now be done as we have customisable modules that can be added into MEX.

So, I hope this covers off a lot of what you have been after.  Please let me know what you think.

Stephen Ninnes
MEX General Manager

Directors Note