MEX Blog Article

SQL Server Support Notice

SQL Server Support Notice

The MEX Maintenance Software uses SQL Server to host its database. Taking advantage of the maturity, popularity and the ease of executing queries and efficient data retrieval and execution that SQL has to offer.

Microsoft SQL has been around a long time and just like MEX, each year updated versions are released that build upon the reliability and performance of the product. The more recent versions of SQL have also brought about advancements in its own technology. With that, MEX is designed and tested against the most recent iterations of SQL with the aim of utilising these advancements.

For this reason, we have now dropped support for SQL 2005 and any versions before that. If you haven't already begun to upgrade your SQL Server environment, we recommend you start planning to migrate to an updated version of SQL, preferably SQL 2012 or higher.

What does end of support mean?

Incompatibility with new functions and procedures built and tested on the latest SQL servers will mean that an older SQL server will struggle to and, in some cases, not run queries and stored procedures. For this reason, anyone that has updated to the latest version of MEX released in April 2021, will not be able to use SQL 2005 hosted databases.

What can you do?

Upgrading your SQL server is not a daunting task. The MEX Server installer includes the SQL 2012 Express version and so running this on your server will give you an updated version to migrate your data onto it. For larger databases, you will need an enterprise version of SQL. Speak to your IT team about getting onto a post 2005 version.

Please remember to always take a backup of your database, should anything go wrong you will have something to revert back to.

Here is a guide to migrating your database: An Indepth Look at MEX Server Migrations

MEX Support is here to help you

Whether it’s questions about what SQL Server you should use, how to backup and migrate your database or upgrading to the latest version of MEX. The MEX Support team is on hand to help you out. Contact our friendly team today at or call +61 7 3392 4777 and they will be more than happy to help you out.


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