MEX Blog Article

Use SAP Because You Have To and Use MEX Because You Want To

Use SAP Because You Have To and Use MEX Because You Want To

With more and more companies realizing the importance of having a maintenance system, the question then comes to mind. How will this maintenance system work with our existing financial package? Some maintenance packages do offer some sort of financial functionality. But they are called maintenance systems for a reason. And considering the vast amount of information, time and not to mention money, put into the existing financial package. There is no way one would get a company to move away from their current package and introduce a new one.

Understanding this, MEX can easily be configured to work alongside any Financial Package. MEX is a Maintenance Software, designed by maintenance experts for maintenance people. Although we do have an inventory and purchasing module, many companies prefer to stick with their established financial packages like SAP, MYOB, Syspro, EA etc…

There is no need to try and convince your accountants to start using MEX, and your maintenance staff will be quite happy to hear that they can stop using that maintenance system designed by accountants. MEX will work with your maintenance staff and get your maintenance operation working efficiently, while your accountants will be kept satisfied with the correct purchases being translated across both systems.

You also remove the system maintenance overhead involved in maintaining two systems. Rather than running a financial package and maintenance system side by side, with duplicates of account codes and other financial data. The interface allows for the financial package to be referenced as the master. Reducing the double handling of data and ensuring control files are synchronized.

Getting the two systems talking is not a complicated task. At the design stage, the customer in need of the interface can indicate what data he needs pushed across from MEX. Our programmers can then create the required export process and also push the files into the required file format. This can then be used with the middleware for the particular financial service to import the data.

As an example, a typical interface would involve Purchase Orders (PO), Receipts and Requisitions exported out of MEX. Your accountants and management can then process these orders. Companies usually have an existing approval process within their financial package. So rather than setting up a duplicate process in MEX, PO/Receipts are pushed across to the financial system and go through the established approval process. If in the case where a PO is declined, the financial package can be programmed to send back a decline notice to MEX, which goes ahead and declines the PO. Allowing the user to revise and submit for approval again.

Imported into MEX are the Financial Control Files. The Control files within the financial package have been comprehensively set up and recognizing this, MEX can easily work off this data. Ensuring that all costs are captured and assigned to the very same Account Codes used in the financial package. Keeping both systems synchronized as you go.

To keep a handle on things, MEX will provide the functionality to monitor the interface. Allowing users to track outgoing and incoming data and also handle major file send or receive. The interface can also be set up with email notifications so that users are notified when files are pushed across the systems and if there are any declines or issues with the interface.

All in all, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Implementing a simple interface between your existing financial package and MEX will eliminate all double handling involved in trying to replicate your financial data within your maintenance package. It will also ensure that your maintenance staff, management and accountants will all be kept satisfied with the data flowing through both systems, allowing for more transparency on purchases and better accountability.