MEX Blog Article

Clarence Valley Council Case Study

Clarence Valley Council Case Study

Clarence Valley is situated at the southern end of the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia. The Clarence Valley Council was formed in 2004 and services an area of 10 400 square kilometres with an estimated population of 49,665 people.

We use MEX predominantly to manage our water and sewer assets, for all planned maintenance, unscheduled maintenance, repairs and any reactive work. We now have accurate records of maintenance performed and can use the software to schedule our maintenance workforce.

“MEX also enables us to see what our backlog of work is and justify additional resources needed to carry out our essential work.”

Clarence Valley Council have found MEX to be an affordable, user friendly software package well suited to the needs of the Local Government Sector.

Take a look at the full Clarence Valley Council Case Study for more information.

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