MEX Blog Article

Cooinda Village Case Study

Cooinda Village Case Study

Cooinda Village is a not for profit community established back in 1969 and is situated in the north east Victorian rural city of Benalla and is governed by a voluntary board. Cooinda village offers a fully accredited residential aged care facility that’s been certified through the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency. Residents have the option of independent living within the 68 designated units of the community. Offering a continuum of care Cooinda Village also provides 82 beds to accommodate for people who have low, high respite care needs and people living with dementia.

We brought MEX two years and have been incrementally integrating the software into our day to day maintenance practices. We started out by attending the Introduction to MEX – Two day training course and have begun comprehensively populating our Asset Register and currently utilise work orders.

We know we’re not using MEX to its maximum potential as it is a work in progress. What we have implemented to date is certainly helping with our maintenance tracking.

“MEX is a universal product that we’ve easily been able to adapt to meet our aged care needs.”

Take a look at the full Cooinda Village Case Study for more information.

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