MEX Blog Article

How Safe Is Your Fleet

How Safe Is Your Fleet

Transpacific grounds its entire Fleet of 2,800 trucks nationwide!

A necessary precaution after an accident involving one of their trucks claimed two lives. Currently under investigation, initial reports attribute the crash to either a brake failure or speed.

With two lives lost, rubbish pilling around the country, SA police investigators are working around the clock to get to the bottom of the crash.

If speed was a factor, it comes down to the driver on the day. The road conditions, whether he was running late, if he was tired etc… Factors an employer may not have full control over.

But if in fact the cause was brake failure. The maintenance practices of Transpacific then come into question.

Running a fleet of this size requires an organized and efficient approach to the maintenance of all vehicles. Preventative Maintenance becomes the pinnacle of this approach. Without the right schedules in place, this could mean the difference between a halt to all your fleet operations due to one accident or the efficient day to day service delivery of your fleet.

Looking at this tragic news, ask yourself. Is your Fleet Maintenance Management set up to the highest standards? Are your Preventative Maintenance schedules efficient enough to pick up any minor faults that could develop into a major fault?

Although we don’t have absolute control over our operators and their daily performance on the job. We do have the capability to ensure that our equipment, or in this case our vehicles are maintained to the highest standards and are safe to operate.

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