MEX Blog Article

Implementing 20 Percent of MEX

Implementing 20 Percent of MEX

I have just had a great example of the Pareto principle in doing the work I do with MEX.  And it reminded me I should stress the importance of this when you are setting up MEX or FleetMEX.

20% of your tasks constitute 80% of your work.  So, when you are setting up MEX.  Don’t feel that you need to set up every single asset and Preventative Maintenance (PM) and spare part and process in MEX before you start to use it.

Instead sit down and do nothing for a few hours, take a deep breath and look at what equipment you spend most time on, what contractors do the most work for you, what people cause the most issues and focus your installation of MEX of FleetMEX to first cope and manage this.

And then, when this is under control go on and do the other 80% when you get around to it.

Remember, Mex or FleetMEX is a management system there to make your life easier so focus on what will make your life easier.

Stephen Ninnes
MEX General Manager