Introduction to MEX/FleetMEX – Two Day Training Course
MEX has recently undergone extensive functionality changes in MEX/FleetMEX v15. These changes have significantly enhanced the product as well as providing MEX users more options and potential to increase / improve their maintenance management capabilities. The Introduction to MEX – Two Day Training Course has been developed to give you the initial knowledge in understanding how to set up and use MEX effectively in your organisation.
Topics covered include:
Day 1 - Getting Started
Conventions in MEX
- Navigating in MEX
- Searching and Configuring a Listing Screen
- Working with the Control Files
The Asset Register
- Searching for Assets
- Using the Asset Register’s Tabs
- Creating, Duplicating, Renaming Assets
- Moving an Asset
- De-Activating an Asset
- Standing Down an Asset
Work Orders / Work Order History
- Creating and Closing Work Orders
- Printing Multiple Work Orders
- Adding Labour to a Work Order
- A look at Tasks, Document and Spares tabs
- Electronic Forms
- Post Entry Work Orders
- Work Order Statuses
- Contractor Work Orders
- Working with History Work Orders
- The MEX Ops Request Portal
- Accessing MEX Ops
- Creating a Request in MEX Ops
- Processing a Request in MEX
Day 2 - Working for you
Preventative Maintenance
- Create time based Preventative Maintenance
- Using the Preventative Maintenance Scheduler
- Working with the Activator
- Closing Work Orders Generated by Preventative Maintenance
- Usage-based Preventative Maintenance
- Entering Readings
- How to create and use Standard Jobs
- Setting up and using Inspections
The Prestarts Module
- Overview on Prestarts set-up procedures
The Store Module
- Adding an Item to the Catalogue
- Issue and Returning Stock
- Creating an Ad-Hoc Purchase Order
- Receipting Purchase Orders
- Invoice Matching
- Mex Users and Contact Types
- Turning on MEX Security
- Adding an Employee into MEX
- MEX Today
- User Options
- Viewing a Report
- Quick Search
- The MEX Dashboard
The only pre-requisite for this course is a basic understanding of computer use.
NB: Please be aware that running this course privately will necessitate certain equipment and/or technical requirements. If you feel that you may not be able to meet these requirements, please contact us to find out what options are available to you.
This course can either be run privately or you can attend publicly when it is presented in your region.
The MEX/FleetMEX – Two Day Training Course can be tailored to suit your individual businesses requirements. Please discuss your individual needs prior to booking.
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